Raman Rajpoot
in breaking down part 2 . when Alice seen future . then Jacob with Bella daughter. Bull shit. Not Mother then love her daughter. Why you don't attention to Edward character. In your all last 3 books Jacob has act like he is Bella father. Please if you written next book cut the Jacob. If you cut him in your 3 book eclpsse. Then its a perfect love story.
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A Google user
not anywhere did i feel that this book was a bore! unlike the other three books where the story slackens a bit every time you finish reading some of the story..........never the less the twilight series was the second best series, its credit given to stephnie meyer's awesomely carved charecters, very real to life!
but what she actually did that blew my heart away was the birth of renesmee and the imprintation of jacob on her, so, that more or less creates an atmosphere of a happy ending where each of the main charecter lives happily ever after!
Alice Cullen
Loved this book especially the description of the wedding and the transformation from human to vampire for bella, also I loved the way the wedding was translated into the movie so well. They did nothing wrong this saga was perfect. xxxx ♡♡☆☆
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