Back in 1928, twelve-year-old Mike Farrelly made friends with Wilson, a lonely, rich boy whose family had emigrated from Ireland, and Lucy, a feisty Ojibwe girl from a local reservation. The three spent the bright, warm summer holidays having adventures together. But then a murder was committed, and Mike, Wilson and Lucy found themselves in danger. Suddenly, they had to trust each other, not only with their secrets, but with their lives...
Follow their story with Ciara as she traces its echo down the years – and find out what really happened one summer, long ago.
Brian Gallagher is the author of Stormclouds (winner of Fingal Libraries' Battle of the Book), Secrets and Shadows, Across the Divide, Taking Sides and Friend or Foe, as well as four books for adults. He was a scriptwriter on RTÉ's long-running drama Fair City. He lives with his family in Dublin.