Brian R. Eddy is a technology consultant with Rand McNally. Previously, he was executive director and producer with Midway Home Entertainment, Inc., where he also served as a programmer and designer for Midway Games. Eddy designed several of the most popular and influential pinball machines of the 1990s, including Attack From Mars and Medieval Madness. He also was the programmer on several other influential machines, including FunHouse, The Machine: Bride of Pin*Bot, and Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure. After the closure of Midway's pinball division in 1999, Eddy moved to Midway's video game division, where he worked on Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy and several games in the Mortal Kombat franchise. Eddy's pinball machines consistently rank in the top 10, both in popularity and in the highest prices paid for pinball machines.