The Holy Spirit wants to wash you in the refreshing grace that streams every day from God’s presence. Listen to God’s life-giving words—words that heal and draw you into greater intimacy with Jesus. Be moved by his voice, stirred by his Spirit, and thrilled by these messages of love. Open your soul to the whispers of God so that you hear him whisper his message of love to you!
DR. BRIAN SIMMONS is known as a passionate lover of God. After a dramatic conversion to Christ, Brian knew that God was calling him to go to the unreached people of the world and present the gospel of God’s grace to all who would listen. With his wife, Candice, and their three children, he spent nearly eight years in the tropical rain forest of the Darien Province of Panama as a church planter, translator, and consultant. Brian was also instrumental in planting a thriving church in New England (USA), and now travels full time as a speaker and Bible teacher. He is the lead translator of The Passion Translation, a new heart-level translation that expresses God’s fiery heart of love to this generation using Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic manuscripts, merging the emotion and life-changing truth of God’s Word. He has been happily married to Candice for over forty-two years and is known to boast regularly of his children and grandchildren. For more information about the translation project or any of Brian’s books, please visit: or