In The Secret Life of Bones, Brian Switek frames the history of our species through the importance of bone from instruments and jewellery, to objects of worship and conquest from the origins of religion through the genesis of science and up through this very day. While bone itself can reveal our individual stories, the truth very much depends on who’s telling it. Our skeletons are as embedded in our culture as they are in our bodies. Switek, an enthusiastic osteological raconteur, cuts through biology, history, and culture to understand the meaning of what’s inside us and what our bones tell us about who we are, where we came from and the legacies we leave behind.
Brian Switek is a collection of 206-some odd bones and associated soft tissues. He's the author of two books: My Beloved Brontosaurus and Written In Stone and writes for the Scientific American blog, Laelaps. A fossil fanatic since the time he was knee-high to a stegosaurus, he is the resident palaeontologist for Jurassic World. He has appeared on BBC R4 Today discussing fossils and his byline has appeared in The Times, The Spectator, National Geographic, Wired, Slate, Smithsonian, The Wall Street Journal and Nature.