Andy Bennett is Professor of Cultural Sociology in the School of Humanities, Languages and Social Science at Griffith University, Australia. He has written and edited numerous books including Popular Music and Youth Culture (2000), Music, Style and Aging (2013) and Music Scenes (2004), as well as the forthcoming Bloomsbury Handbook of Popular Music and Youth Culture. He was Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Sociology (the journal of The Australian Sociological Association) between 2009 and 2012, and is currently a member of the Editorial Boards for the journals Cultural Sociology, Journal of Youth Studies, Continuum, Popular Music & Society, Rock Music Studies, Sociology Compass, Perfect Beat and Canadian Journal of Popular Culture. He is a Faculty Fellow of the Yale Centre for Cultural Sociology, an International Research Fellow of the Finnish Youth Research Network, a founding member of the Consortium for Youth, Generations and Culture and a founding member of the Regional Music Research Group.