Low-fat diets have been heavily promoted for the past three decades, and as a result we are fatter now than ever before. Obviously, there is something wrong with the low-fat approach to weight loss. There is a better solution to the obesity epidemic, and that solution is The Coconut Ketogenic Diet. This book exposes many common myths and misconceptions about fats and weight loss and explains why low-fat diets don’t work. It also reveals new, cutting-edge research on one of the world’s most exciting weight loss aids—coconut oil—and how you can use it to power up your metabolism, boost your energy, improve thyroid function, and lose unwanted weight.
This revolutionary weight loss program is designed to keep you both slim and healthy using wholesome, natural foods, and the most health-promoting fats. It has proven successful in helping those suffering from obesity, diabetes, heart and circulatory problems, low thyroid function, chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and many other conditions.
You will learn:
Why you need to eat fat to lose fat
Why you should not eat lean protein without a source of fat
How to lose weight without feeling hungry or miserable
How to stop food cravings dead cold
Which fats promote health and which ones don’t (the answers may surprise you)
How to jumpstart your metabolism
How to restore thyroid function
How to use your diet to overcome common health problems
How to reach your ideal weight and stay there
Why eating rich, delicious foods can help you lose weight
Which foods are the real troublemakers and how to avoid them