When did kindness become a sign of weakness? What if kindness actually has the power to change the world? Culture is at a crossroads when it comes to kindness. These days we either view kindess as an inert act based on the absence of being a jerk, or we see acts of kindness as heroic and herculean, beyond the reach and capability of mere mortals. Choosing kindness is also exhausting. The public and private back-and-forth exchanges of hatred and de-humanizing that is more about ratings, retweets, and winning than relationships and community is taking a toll on our motivation to even contemplate kindness as a valid response. In Defense of Kindness makes a case that we each can choose kindness as a way to experience community and wholeness in new ways. With a playful spirit, tender heart, and unwavering commitment to justice, "kindness enthusiast" Reyes-Chow explores the many ways in which kindness can bring about healing, wholeness, and hope in ourselves and the world. Through unfiltered sharing of his own experiences, Bruce invites the reader into an adventure of discovery and rediscovery of kindness of heart, mind, spirit, and action.