This book will be of interest to scholars, educators, and practitioners alike in the fields of business management, marketing, finance, economics, human resource management, education and other related subjects, and will provide well-grounded informational material both in theory and in practice.
Farid Shirazi, PhD, is a Senior Researcher at the Institute for Innovation and Technology Management at Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada, and an Assistant Professor and Associate Director of the Ted Rogers School of Information Technology Management. Dr Shirazi’s research focuses mainly on the impact of ICTs on social and economic development. His main research interests are IT-enabled sustainability and development, Cloud Computing, E-government strategies, Green IS management, as well as the ethical and security perspectives associated with the introduction and use of ICTs. His publications include articles and chapters in several conference proceedings and journals, including the Journal of E-Business Development; Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries; Journal of Telematics and Informatics; and Journal of Information Communication and Ethics in Society.