EPHESIANS 1:4: Are Some Chosen (Predestined) to Eternal Salvation, and Others to Eternal Condemnation?
What the Bible Authors Really Meant by Atonement
What the Bible Authors Really Meant by Ransom
What the Bible Authors Really Meant by Reconciliation
What the Bible Authors Really Meant by Sanctification
What the Bible Authors Really Meant By Salvation
Is the Five Points of Calvinism Biblical
Determinism, Fatalism, Predestination, and Foreknowledge
Arminian View of the Free Will/Calvin’s Predestination
Is the Foreknowledge of God Compatible with Free Will?
TRUE CHRISTIANS—Are Not followers of Men
Are some chosen (predestined) to eternal salvation and others to eternal condemnation? Andrews will have entire chapters dealing with this important issue and inform the reader from the Calvinist and Arminian perspectives. In the end, he will answer the following questions.
Is Total Depravity Biblical?
Is Unconditional Election Biblical?
Is Limited Atonement Biblical?
Is Irresistible Grace Biblical?
Is Perseverance of the Saints Biblical?
EDWARD D. ANDREWS (AS in Criminal Justice, BS in Religion, MA in Biblical Studies, and MDiv in Theology) is CEO and President of Christian Publishing House. He has authored ninety-five books. Andrews is the Chief Translator of the Updated American Standard Version (UASV).