The advantage of CHRISTIAN THEOLOGY: THE EVANGELISM STUDY TOOL Basic Bible Doctrines of the Christian Faith is enormous: each thought-provoking section of chapters is based soundly in God's Word, helping the reader to cultivate a sound biblical foundation. Whether you are a student, pastor, teacher, youth worker, or layperson, this publication is a fantastic tool for understanding the Basic Bible Doctrines of the Christian Faith, in the light of solid Scriptural truth. This publication is inundated in God’s Word and unlike the traditions of men that other Christian theology books are absorbed in, as Andrews focuses entirely on Scripture.
At times, chapters will begin with a couple of paragraphs of original language words that help us get back to what was meant by these terms. This will be the deepest section of those chapters, as these definitions will be from lexicons and word dictionaries. Generally, if one slows down, reads it carefully, he or she will grasp what is being said. However, if you find it too frustrating, skip those initial couple paragraphs, read the chapter, which will be easy to understand and then come back to that section last. Quotations are dealt with in two ways in this publication. Generally, if it is a paragraph or two, it will be indented on both sides. However, if it is multiple paragraphs, we will leave it in normal paragraph form but will change the font color to dark gray as opposed to black. Lastly, this book is meant as a study tool, as it has review questions at the end of each chapter.
EDWARD D. ANDREWS (AS in Criminal Justice from Zane State, BS in Religion at Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary, MA in Biblical Studies at Temple-Baptist Seminary, and MDiv in Theology at Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary) is CEO and President of Christian Publishing House. He has authored fifty books and coauthored and updated and expanded three books, as well as over 200 articles. He is the chief translator for the Updated American Standard Version (UASV)