Apart from chapter modules , classification of problems are further divided into subtopics in each module to have a better insight of concepts involved.
Book is purely a mathematical approach to deal and elaborate the area of physical chemistry.
This book contains topics of common areas of physical chemistry asked in various engineering entrance examinations over the globe.
After going through the book and solving the problems , student will have a better understanding of calculative approach used in physical chemistry along with the basic concepts involved. Also the book will equip the reader with concepts of physical chemistry so that reader can tackle difficult calculations involved in the subject.
Mr A.P. SRIVASTAVA continuing the legacy of imparting the education since 15 years for one of the toughest and prestigious engineering entrance exam in India known as IIT joint entrance examination commonly called as IIT-JEE. In the same flow he has made this meticulously designed book for the tough and challenging problems in the field of physical chemistry.