Captain Wil Litang, of the space ship, Lost Star, finds himself shipwrecked on a tiny floating island in the vast atmospheric sea of the Archipelago of the Tenth Star. Making matters worse, he’s not alone. He shares the island with an assassin who has taken a vow to kill him, and a feathered dragon, with a whole lot of teeth.
The Lost Star’s Sea is the sequel to The Bright Black Sea. The novel is set in the Archipelago of the Tenth Star, a vast hollow world filled with islands floating in a sea of air. Cut off from the Lost Star, Captain Wil Litang must not only survive the fierce beasts and dragons of the island, but their savage people as well – pirates, bandits, and the strange servants of the Dragon Kings. Not to mention the assassin, Naylea Cin, who has pursued him across the Nine Star Nebula to kill him. The story of Wil Litang and the Lost Star concludes in this classic planetary adventure novel written in the tradition of Edgar Rice Burroughs.
C. Litka writes old-fashioned novels with modern sensibilities, humor, and romance. His lighthearted novels of adventure, mystery, and travel are set in richly imagined worlds and feature a colorful cast of well drawn characters. If you seek to escape, for a few hours, your everyday life, you will not find better company, nor more wonderful worlds to travel and explore, than in the novels of C. Litka.
( ) put several thousand miles on my bike each year, putter around the yard in summer and the web in winter.