Calculus for the Natural Sciences distinguishes itself from other textbooks on the topic by balancing theory, mathematical techniques, and applications to motivate students and bridge the gap between mathematics and the natural sciences and engineering; employing real data to convey the main ideas underlying the scientific method; and using SageMath and R to perform calculations and write short programs, thus giving the teacher more time to explain important concepts.
This textbook is intended for first-year students in mathematics, engineering, and the natural sciences and is appropriate for a two-semester course on calculus I and II (freshman calculus of one variable). It can also be used for self-study by engineers and natural scientists.
Michel Helfgott is Professor Emeritus at the National University of San Marcos in Lima, Peru, and worked for many years at SUNY-Oswego and East Tennessee State University. His articles have appeared in mathematics, physics, and chemistry journals.