Since the nineteenth century, many theoretical and practical experiences have integrated urban and environmental issues, revising the understanding of nature as an object and thinking of nature and culture in conjunction. However, consensus of the methodological strategies needed to guide the development of multi-scale landscape planning and design capable of responding to the climate emergency, heritage, water, biodiversity and social inclusion, among other issues has not been achieved. Green infrastructure has emerged as a tool to link considerations of the planning and design process to examine the impact urban nature can have at a global and a local scale.
The book gathers together authors from different parts of the world and disciplines to showcase conceptual thinking, best practices and methodological strategies relating to landscape planning and design with green infrastructure adapted to climate change. The topic of this book is particularly relevant to scholars, practitioners and developers around the world who have an interest in planning and environmental management, landscape architecture, and socio-cultural understandings of landscape.
Ian Mell is a Reader in Environmental & Landscape Planning at the University of Manchester, UK. Ian’s work focuses on the development, application and evaluation of Green Infrastructure policy and practice in the UK and internationally. His work examines the influence of governance, finance, and thematic understandings of landscape quality in the delivery of more sustainable places. Ian has received funding from the EU (Horizon 2020), the Newton Fund and Defra/Natural England to develop evidence supporting the delivery of Nature-Based Solutions and a national Green Infrastructure standard in the UK. He is also the author of Global Green Infrastructure (Routledge, 2016), Planning Cities with Nature (Lemes de Oliveira & Mell, 2019, Springer) and Green Infrastructure Planning: Reintegrating Landscape in Urban Planning (Lund Humphries, 2019).
Luciana Bongiovanni Martins Schenk, PhD, has degrees in Architecture, Urbanism and Philosophy (USP). Professor of Landscape Architecture at Instituto de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade de São Paulo, IAU – USP. Co-Leader Research Group YBY: Land Studies, Urban Policies, Production of Space and Landscape. Coordinator of GTPU Working Group for Planning Urban Parks, São Carlos-SP, and USP Municipios research. Coordinator São Carlos nucleus of the QUAPÁ-SEL, a network of Open Spaces Systems and Landscape Research in Brazil, FAU – USP. Former vice president of the Brazilian Association of Landscape Architects, ABAP, 2016 – 2018 and president ABAP 2018 – 2020 and 2020 – 2022.