Campus Watch is magazine is aimed at solving troubles faced by students in their campus life. The August edition focuses College Freshers and their challenges.
Students can never tell what college life will look like before they actually enter one as a fresher. There are scenarios they play in their mind repeatedly before entering college but they may or may not take place in reality. Also, because of understandable lack of experience, there is only so much preparation that can be done.
How will I settle at the new place? What things will happen on the first day of college? What will my hostel roommate be like? These questions will likely and understandably crowd your mind before joining college but you need not worry as there is an answer and more importantly, a solution for every such confusion in the articles below.
Besides the need to clear these confusions, as a fresher, you also require tips on things like college fashion and how to get rid of habits formed during multiple years of school education. This edition has covered all these aspects of college life as well so that you have less problems in settling in, in the new place.
With Campus Watch, an attempt has been made to help freshers prepare for the challenges which might be awaiting at the beginning of this new way of life which they are about to start.