The future will bring more leisure time, a higher standard of living, and a better quality of life for us all. Future Tourism Trends examines recent and the most probable changes and answers questions such as: Who is ‘the new tourist’ – if there is one – and what is she looking for? Is the new post-technological era transforming the very essence of travelling? The authors present a wide range of visionary insights, as well as operational takeaways.
Canan Tanrisever is an Associate Professor and Head of Tourism Guidance Department at Kastamonu University in Turkey since 2010.
Hüseyin Pamukçu received his bachelor's degree from Mustafa Kemal University in 2011 and his master's degree from Afyon Kocatepe University in 2014 and his doctorate from Sakarya University 2017.
Anukrati Sharma is the Head & Associate Professor of the Department of Commerce and Management at the University of Kota (A State Govt. University) in Kota, Rajasthan, India