Captain Climax: Age of Seductron

Ā· Cloth and Flesh
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įˆµįˆˆį‹šįˆ… įŠ¢-įˆ˜įŒ½įˆį

She was designed to be the ultimate woman, a sophisticated sex robot who could satisfy every manā€™s desire. But now sheā€™s evolved beyond her programming, and she wants more than to serve. Seductron seeks to rule!

The seed of the worldā€™s only superhero is a highly protected government asset. But with a libido like Captain Climaxā€™sā€”and with his reputation for 100% satisfactionā€”unsanctioned hook-ups happen all the time. And so, in an effort to keep the Captainā€™s carnal capers completely under their control, the feds authorized the creation of Seductron.

But when the scientist behind the ravishing robot decides to defect to The Enemy, itā€™s up to the Captain to stop himā€”and to end the impending android apocalypse before it begins!Ā 

With no time to spare and no one to beat up for the information he needs, the Captain slips between the sheets instead. As the doomsday clock ticks on, our hero races to satisfy the one woman who holds the answers he seeks. But after a lifetime of knowing what every woman wants, and giving it to her just as quickly as he can, can Captain Climax fulfill the very particular desires of this very peculiar woman? And can he do so before itā€™s too late?

Age of Seductron is the second book in the Captain Climax erotic science fiction series. If you like sexy cyborgs, sultry scientists, and strapping studs who aim to please, then youā€™ll love Owen Woodā€™s tantalizing new tale.

Buy Captain Climax: Age of Seductron to enjoy this sex-filled send-up of the superhero genre today.

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