In the aftermath of the Great War, Biggles is contacted by an ambassador in London, alerting him to growing tensions between the small European nation of Maltovia and their sabre-rattling neighbour, Lovitzna. Maltovia needs help to create an air force to protect themselves, and Biggles is just the man for the job.
After a menacing visit from the Lovitznian Minister in London, Biggles is convinced: he will offer Maltovia his services.
Upon arriving there, however, Biggles quickly senses something isn’t right: the Commander-in-Chief of the Maltovian forces is strangely hostile, and Biggles’ aircraft hangar is set ablaze in mysterious circumstances. This is not the simple mission it was meant to be...
With suspicions against both sides, can Biggles and his crew settle the conflict before tensions come to a head?
William Earl Johns was an English adventure writer, best known as the creator of the beloved Biggles stories, which drew on his experience as a pilot in the First World War. After his flying career with the RAF, Johns became a newspaper air correspondent, an occupation he combined with editing and illustrating books about flying. He wrote over 160 books, including nearly 100 Biggles titles.