The tale of ancient Roman Empire, the city that now dwells only in the realms of one’s imagination, a fabled city of magnificence and grandeur, of cruelty and barbarianism, of blind faith and admiration in an Emperor to betraying bodyguards, the city that began as a small settlement near the banks of the river Tiber and rose to exalted heights of being one of the biggest empires in antiquity and the sudden demise, is nothing short of a legend. Rome survived as a Republic for almost five centuries before expanding under the reign of the celebrated Roman ruler Julius Caesar into a full-fledged empire. The first Emperor Augustus ruled the fledgling empire with all his heart and took the Roman Empire to exalted heights of peace and prosperity. But that empire was to stand unscathed only for five centuries. The decline and eventual downfall happened in the fifth century, never to rise again. Built on the fabled “seven hills”, Rome’s fall is probably the most dramatic collapse of once-thriving and established human civilizations.