This book portrays the story of the unquenchable fighter Miyamoto Musashi. The Ronin Samurai, who acquired the skills by himself, founded his Hyoho Niten Ichi Ryu, the Kenjutsu school. The seventeenth century swordsman was not just a warrior, but a philosopher, painter, architect who had his interest in psychology, zen, Buddhism and so on. Through his records, written as books, Musashi conveyed the entire truth behind his success and a few thoughts regarding life as well. Musashi demonstrated the ideal Shugyosha's life as being a guy who is in harmony with nature, the unconquerable combatant, the ultimate wanderer, the philosopher of life and sense. The focus of this document is on the life of Musashi and his fight. It also recounts the tale of Muso Gonnosuke, the sole warrior who defeated the hero, Musashi. Gonnosuke, the founder of Shintō Musō-ryū, was the only ideal rival for Musashi. Both are descended from Samurai families; one grew up as a Ronin, and the other, a trained man, agrees to a duel. See what happened next… How did they come into combat? What led Musashi to fail? Was that a tragic fall of the hero?