For more than 2,000 years, depressed patients have turned to a rangy yellow weed known as hypericum, or St. John’s wort, to treat symptoms of unrelenting sadness. Ancient healers believed the herb to be so powerful that it not only vanquished depression but also could banish evil spirits forever.
Today, more and more people believe that the herb carries significant power—at least when it come to depression. Nature’s answer to Prozac has been attracting supporters around the globe as more and more scientists are finding that it works as well as certain antidepressants without the harmful side effects or the high cost.
This handbook provides essential guidance to navigating the uses of St. John’s wort. Within you will find the findings from both U.S. and British studies that support its efficacy treating depression, the different forms you can buy St. John’s wort in and their varying potencies, How to use St. John’s wort, how to deal with potential side-effects or drug interactions, how to grow your own, and other possible uses of St. John’s wort. This comprehensive handbook will provide you with all you need to make an educated decision regarding the alternative, natural treatment of your depression.