Christina, Grant, Mimi and Papa head to the Great Smoky Mountains and end up in an A+ Appalachian mystery complete with an eerie mountain haze, spectacular scenery, a boisterous bear, confounding clues, and mystifying folklore! One very Blue Ridge! One crazy quilt! One fearless fiddler! One hoot in a holler! And a Smoky secret!
LOOK what's inside this mystery - people, places, history and more!
PLACES: Smoky Mountains Š Skyline Drive Š Blue Ridge Parkway Š Great Smoky Mountains National Park Š Penland School for Crafts, Asheville, NC Š Cherokee Indian Museum and Sequoyah Statue, Cherokee, NC Š Mumble Peg Bookstore, Bryson City, NC Š Cades Cove Š The picnic area near the Abrams Falls hiking trails Š Laurel Falls Š Clingman's Dome Observation Tower.
SMOKY MOUNTAIN FACTS: Location Š Ecosystem: Plants, trees, bushes, animals, biodiversity Š Geography: hills, waterfalls, bald mountains Š Nicknames: Great Smokies, Great Smoky Mountains Š Foods: Western North Carolina barbeque, sweet tea.
HISTORY: Cherokee Tribe: History, legends Š Cherokee Legend of the Enchanted Waterfall Š Cherokee Alphabet ŠTrail of TearsŠ
PEOPLE: Sequoyah.
SCIENCE: Weather: Mist/fog formation Š Animal conservation and techniques Š Skunks.
MATH: ŠPart of a section of a whole.Š
ARTS AND CRAFTS OF THE REGION: Glassblowing Š Painting
ARTS AND CRAFTS OF THE REGION: Glassblowing Š Painting Š Quiltmaking.
Like all of Carole Marsh Mysteries, this mystery incorporates history, geography, culture and cliffhanger chapters that will keep kids begging for more! This mystery includes SAT words, educational facts, fun and humor, built-in book club and activities.
Below is the Reading Levels Guide for this book:
Grade Levels: 3-6
Accelerated Reader Reading Level: 5.3
Accelerated Reader Points: 2
Accelerated Reader Quiz Number: 140440
Lexile Measure: 820
Fountas & Pinnell Guided Reading Level: Q
Developmental Assessment Level: 40