About the Book
Established as a successful practical workbook series with over 30 titles in the language learning category, Practice Makes Perfect now provides the same clear, concise approach and extensive exercises to key fields within mathematics.
The key to the Practice Makes Perfect series is the extensive exercises that provide learners with all the practice they need for mastery.
Market / Audience
For students who need to review and practice trigonometry, whether to keep up with class work or to prepare for a test or exam (such as SAT and ACT in the US, or GCSE in the UK).
International suitability: High
Benefit to the Customer
Workbook is not exam specific, yet it provides thorough coverage of the trigonometry skills required in most math tests.
About the Authors
Carolyn Wheater ( Hawthorne, NJ) teaches middle school and upper school mathematics at the Nightingale-Bamford School in New York City. Educated at Marymount Manhattan College and the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, she has taught math and computer technology for 30 years to students from preschool through college. She is a member of National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) and the Association of Teachers in Independent Schools.