This book relates the very personal story of Delia Salter Bacon (1811-1859), who had been a student of Beecher's at her Hartford Female Seminary, and her friendship with Alexander MacWhorter, identified in the book as Mr. A., a Yale theological graduate ten years her junior. In 1847, after two years and no prospect of marriage between the two, Leonard Bacon, Delia's brother and pastor of New Haven's First Church (Congregational), brought misconduct charges against MacWhorter in the New Haven ministerial association. Although MacWhorter was acquitted by a narrow margin, both their reputations were tarnished. However, Delia Bacon was further damaged by Beecher's well-meaning attempt to defend her in print. She moved to England where she continued to write, founding the Baconian and group theories of Shakespeare authorship which still continue to this day, all the while withdrawing gradually from public life. She became increasingly mentally unstable as time passed; she died in 1859 at the Hartford (CT) Retreat for the insane.