Follow the brave siblings, Hansel and Gretel, as they venture into a mysterious forest to seek food for their family. Their journey takes an unexpected turn when they encounter a mesmerizing butterfly and encounter the danger of getting lost. With resourcefulness and determination, they stumble upon a gingerbread house, tempting their hunger but concealing a wicked secret.
The siblings' courage is put to the test as they find themselves trapped by a wicked witch with sinister intentions. As they hatch a daring plan to escape, readers will be on the edge of their seats, rooting for their triumph over evil.
With its engaging storytelling and Sofia Sita's captivating illustrations, Hansel and Gretel is a timeless tale that will ignite the imaginations of readers young and old. Discover the enduring magic of this beloved story in it's updated form.
Experience the wonder of ""Hansel and Gretel"" and cherish the enduring power of family, bravery, and triumph over adversity. Add this enchanting book to your collection and let its spellbinding narrative transport you to a world of fantasy and possibility!