The essay is structured around three main themes:
(i) renewed appreciation for the comparative method applied to cognitive questions, leading to the identification of elementary but fundamental abstractions in non-linguistic species relevant to language;
(ii) awareness of the conceptual gaps between disciplines, and the need to carefully link genotype and phenotype without bypassing any "intermediate" levels of description (certainly not the brain); and
(iii) adoption of a "philosophical" outlook that puts the complexity of biological entities front and center.
Cedric Boeckx is Research Professor at the Catalan Institute for Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA), a member of the Linguistics section of the University of Barcelona, as well as of the university’s Institute of Complex Systems. He is the author of numerous books, including Islands and Chain (2003), Linguistic Minimalism (2006), Language in Cognition (2010), and Elementary Syntactic Structures (2014). His graduate training and early career were in cognitive science and theoretical linguistics, but his more recent work seeks a more direct engagement with biology and has a more explicit evolutionary focus.