Berenika PlusaRESEARCH POSTS 2007-present: Lab Leader, Lecturer, Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health, University of Manchester 2006-2007: Visiting Scientist in Anna-Katherina Hadjantonakis lab, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre, New York, USA2006: Research Associate to Alfonso Martinez-Arias, University of Cambridge, Dept. of Genetics, Cambridge UK 2000-2006: Research Associate to David Glover and Magdalena Zernicka-Goetz, Universityof Cambridge, Dept. of Genetics and Gurdon CRC/Wellcome Trust Institute, Cambridge UKEDUCATION AND TRAINING 1995-2000 Ph.D. in Animal Science, Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Genetics and Animal Breeding, Department of Experimental Embryology, Jastrzebiec, Poland. Supervisor Prof. Jacek A. Modlinski1993-1995 M.Sc. Biology, Department of Embryology, Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw, Poland. Supervisor Prof. Andrzej K. Tarkowski. 1990-1995 Studies at University of Warsaw, Faculty of Biology.CURRENT RESEARCH FUNDING2016-2018 Wellcome Trust PhD Programme in Quantitative and Biophysical Biology, Co PI2011-2016 (with additional non cost 2 years extension up to 2018) Wellcome Trust equipment grant Co PI with Prof. N Papalopulu, Prof. E. Amaya, Dr K. Dorey, Dr T. Millard; £303 165.0PAST RESEARCH FUNDING 2014-2016 Co PI on Leverhulme Trust project grant Co PI with Dr. K. Chalut and Dr. J Nichols; amount rewarded for Manchester £111 109.02014-2015 Co PI on FLS internal award: Quantitative Biology initiative with Prof. C. Thompson and Dr S. Cotter; £37 957. 2009-2012 PI on BBSRC grant £413 082.932007-2012 PI on Manchester Fellowship £368 439.0
Anna-Katerina (Kat) Hadjantonakis received a BSc in Biochemistry in 1990, and PhD in Molecular Genetics in 1995, from Imperial College, London. From 1996 to 20013 she undertook postdoctoral studies with Andras Nagy and Janet Rossant at the Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute, Toronto, and Ginny Papaioannou at Columbia University, New York. In 2004 she established her independent laboratory. She is currently a Member of the Sloan Kettering Institute and a Professor at Cornell University. Kat Hadjantonakis serves on the editorial boards of the journals Development, Developmental Cell, Developmental Biology, BMC Biology, and Genesis. She is the Section Editor in Early Patterning at BMC Developmental Biology, and deputy editor-in-chief at Biology Open. The long-term goal of research in the Hadjantonakis lab is to decipher mechanisms underlying cell lineage specification and tissue morphogenesis. They use the mouse as a predominant experimental mammalian model. They focus on a continuum of events taking place within the mammalian embryo that are bookended by two distinct but interrelated biological processes: blastocyst formation and gastrulation. Quantitative single-cell resolution analyses are a hallmark approach they take.