This volume presents a new perspective on socially coordinated embodied activity. It brings together scholars from linguistics, interactional sociology, neuropsychology and brain research. It assembles empirical studies of the interaction in sports that draw on recent developments in ethnomethodological conversation analysis, the sociology of practice, interactional linguistics, and cognitive studies. Thinking beyond the individual body, the chapters investigate microscopically the materiality and reflexivity of skilled bodies in motion in different sports ranging from individuals jointly rock-climbing and distance-running to team sports such as rugby and basketball.
Combining theoretical elements from phenomenology and cognitive studies, the volume emphasizes the temporal extension and merging of bodies towards an acting plural body and the situated embeddedness of dynamically interacting bodies in an environment that encompasses organized spaces, objects or other bodies. It thus offers a number of case studies in advanced research in embodied interaction that coalesce in a comprehensive picture of the ways human bodies merge in joint action.