Christina Arokiasamy (Aro Keeya Samee)Born and raised in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ChristinaArokiasamy, is Malaysia's first-ever official FoodAmbassador to the United States and brings with her over 25 years of worldclass culinary expertise as a former chef of various Four Seasons Resortsthroughout Southeast Asia. In and after 2015 in collaboration with The CookingChannel, Chef Christina hosted The Malaysian Kitchen, the program reaching over80 million viewers nationwide USA; to showcase the exotic blend of flavors bornof the spice trade and rich in tradition. Her expert knowledge in spices appeared in,Huffington Post, CBS, NBC News, Fox News, The New York Times, The Food NetworkMagazine, Yahoo News and other International media. Her love for this cuisineinspired her to write The Malaysian Kitchen: 150 Recipes for Simple HomeCooking published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt New York 2017. Her secondcookbook was featured in People Magazine, The Advocate, The Seattle Times, ThePublisher's Weekly and making headlines on seven Canadian Newspapers such as TheNational Post, Vancouver Sun, The Montreal Gazette and other international media. TheMalaysian Kitchen was awarded as Amazon's Top 10 Cookbooks of 2017. Her first cookbook The Spice Merchant's Daughterpublished by Clarkson Potter New York, was listed as top ten cookbooks in theUSA by NPR in 2008. Her cookbook earned a starred review on Publisher's Weekly,and was featured on the Associated Press, The Wall Street Journal, and TheBoston Globe. Christina Arokiasamy is unique because as a spiceexpert she incorporates fresh spices suchas turmeric, cumin, coriander and cardamom and uniquely combiningthem with fresh aromatics such as galangal, lemongrass, ginger to create new and deeply-layered flavors of Southeast Asian cuisine. She lives in the Pacific Northwest with herfamily.