Christoph Herrmann holds the Chair of Constitutional and Administrative, European Law, European and International Economic Law at the University of Passau. He is one of the leading German scholars in the field of EU trade law and has advised the German government on issues relating to EU economic and trade law issues on multiple occasions. From 2017-2019, he was EU candidate select for the WTO Appellate Body. Furthermore, he is a listed as possible Arbitrator under the UK Withdrawal Agreement from the European Union as well as EU trade agreements. His research focusses on European constitutional law as well as European and international economic law.
Patricia Trapp studied law at the University of Passau, where she specialized in EU law. For two years, she was a research assistant to Prof. Dr. Christoph Herrmann, LL.M. As part of her doctoral studies, which were funded by the German Academic Scholarship Foundation, she spent two months working in the cabinet of the United Kingdom's judge at the EU General Court in Luxemburg. Patricia has published articles in a number of journals and has presented at conferences on aspects of EU competition and trade law. She is currently working in the competition and trade law practice group of a major international law firm.