Bertrand Réau is a Professor at the Cnam, entitled to direct research, and holds the "Tourism and leisure travel" Chair. His recent work focuses on tourism practices and the social uses of time, the challenges of the globalisation of science and disciplinary recompositions around Studies, the relationship between tourism and ethnicity in Southeast Asia, and the development of theme parks around the world. He is notably co-author of Sociologie du tourisme (2016), La sociologie de Charles Wright Mills (2014), Researching Elites and Power (2020, Springer) and author of Les Français et les vacances. Sociologie de l'offre et des pratiques de loisirs (2011).
Christophe Guibert is a sociologist, professor at the University of Angers (ESTHUA, Faculty of Tourism, Culture and Hospitality), researcher at the “Spaces and societies” laboratory (UMR CNRS 6590). For the past twenty years, he has been examining multiple dimensions attached to tourism practices (public policies, jobs, social and cultural uses, gender, etc.) in France, but also in various foreign countries (China, Taiwan, Morocco, USA...). His work is part of a dispositionalist and multi-methodological sociology. He has managed research contracts and published numerous scientific articles relating to these themes. Since 2016, he has managed two licenses and a master's degree in the field of coastal tourism in Les Sables d'Olonne, a delocalized branch of the University of Angers (France).