Melanie Fennell (Author)
Melanie Fennell is one of the pioneers of cognitive therapy for depression in the UK and developed the Oxford Diploma in Cognitive Therapy and Oxford/MSc in Advanced Cognitive Therapy. She is a research clinician in the Oxford Mindfulness Centre and teaches on the Masters Degree in MBCT in Oxford University.
Christopher Freeman (Author)
DR CHRIS FREEMAN was an honorary professor at Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh. As consultant psychiatrist, he created and led services for eating disorders for over forty years and ran outpatient, day patient and inpatient units and, most recently, an intensive home treatment team for severe anorexia nervosa - all in the Edinburgh/South-East Scotland area.
Peter Cooper (Author)
Peter Cooper is Professor of Psychology at the University of Reading. He is also a practising clinical psychologist and Series Editor of the 'Overcoming' series. Peter Cooper is Professor of Psychopathology at the Winnicott Research Unit at the University of Reading. Recognised as one of the world's experts in the treatment of bulimia he has more recently focused on the treatment of postpartum depression.
Roz Shafran (Author)
Roz Shafran is professor of translational psychology at the UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health. She has worked at Oxford on the treatment of eating disorders using CBT. She is the author of Cognitive Behavioural Processes Across Psychological Disorders: A Transdiagnostic Approach to Research and Treatment (OUP).
Constance Barter (Author)
Constance Barter is a British schoolgirl, born in 1993, who was diagnosed with the eating disorder anorexia nervosa aged 14, from which she has since made a complete recovery. In between schoolwork, she is a Young Ambassador volunteer for BEAT, the leading UK charity for people with eating disorders.