Months after a devastating plague ends World War I, Europe is suddenly flooded with deadly vampires. Lord Henry Baltimore, a soldier determined to wipe out the monsters, is on the hunt for the creature responsible for this chaos and his own personal tragedy. What he uncovers is a terror as horrific and frightening as any he's seen on the battlefield. Based on the novel by Mike Mignola and Christopher Golden. Mike Mignola reunites with _Witchfinder_ artist Ben Stenbeck! Praise for the novel _Baltimore; or, The Steadfast Tin Soldier and the Vampire_: "Mythic adventure, midway between Lovecraft and the Brothers Grimm. The book burns with black inspiration."_Sci Fi Magazine_ "Gorgeously told and wildly inventive. Mike Mignola's outstanding black-and-white illustrations turn the book into a beautiful object and add to its overall storybook quality. He and Golden have outdone themselves with _Baltimore_, a gorgeous, haunting tale that may well become a classic."_Fangoria_