The Bible doesn't just provide a basis for mission. Mission is much bigger! Mission is the basis for the whole Bible - it is generated by, and is all about, God's mission.
In order to understand the Bible, we need an interpretative perspective that is in tune with this great missional theme. We need to see the 'big picture' of God's mission and how all parts of Scripture fit into its grand narrative.
In this comprehensive and accessible study, Chris Wright begins with the Old Testament understanding of who God is, what he has called his people to be and to do, and where the nations belong within God's mission. These themes are followed into the New Testament. Throughout, Wright emphasizes that biblically-defined mission is intrinsically holistic. God's mission is to redeem his whole creation from all that sin and evil have inflicted upon it, and the mission of God's people must reflect the breadth of God's righteous and saving love for all he has made.
Christopher Wright is International Ministries Director of the Langham Partnership International. He was formerly Principal of All Nations Christian College and taught at Union Biblical Seminary, Pune, India. His books include Old Testament Ethics for the People of God and The Message of Ezekiel (both IVP), the New International Biblical Commentary on Deuteronomy (Paternoster) and Knowing Jesus through the Old Testament (Monarch).