In this high-octane space adventure, Jack Marshall, a lonely orphan, is rocketed from his mundane life on Earth into the heart of an interstellar conflict.
Snatched up by extraterrestrials in a raid for Earth's trees, Jack soon discovers his destiny is tied to the fate of the galaxy. With his loyal canine friend Nova by his side, his only chance to save his planet lies in rallying a motley crew of aliens.
Together, they must defeat a power-hungry general obsessed with seizing control of the universe's resources.
Intergalactic Jack is a thrilling and humorous tale of friendship, courage, and the fight against tyranny, where the stakes are nothing less than the fate of countless worlds across the stars.
Christopher Kezelos is a multi-award-winning author and filmmaker.
His books have received critical acclaim, garnering five-star ratings on Amazon and winning multiple book awards, including the Distinguished Favourite at the Independent Publisher Book Awards and Los Angeles Book Festival and a B.R.A.G. Medallion.
His short films Zero and The Maker received 37 film festival awards, were nominated for an Australian AFI and Academy Award, and have been viewed over 50 million times online.
Christopher collaborates on projects with his creative partner and wife, Christine Kezelos. Together, they run a small entertainment and publishing house called Zealous Creative. Check out their films and books at
Christine Kezelos is a multi-award-winning author and filmmaker.
Her books have received critical acclaim, garnering five-star ratings on Amazon and winning multiple book awards, including the Distinguished Favourite at the Independent Publisher Book Awards and Los Angeles Book Festival and a B.R.A.G. Medallion.
Her short films Zero and The Maker received 37 film festival awards, were nominated for an Australian AFI and Academy Award, and have been viewed over 50 million times online.
Christine collaborates on projects with her creative partner and husband, Christopher Kezelos. Together, they run a small entertainment and publishing house called Zealous Creative. Check out their films and books at
Hoa Han is a Vietnamese-American concept artist working in Los Angeles, CA. He received his B.A. in Entertainment Design from Pasadena Art Center while working at an international digital creative agency. His art stems from his childhood interest in comic books and video games like many children of his generation. Mainly working in a digital medium, he has worked on projects for Lucas Film, Power Rangers, and Ubisoft to name a few.