Key features include the following:
This book is appropriate for researchers and graduate level instructors in educational psychology, learning sciences, cognitive psychology, social psychology, computer science, educational technology, teacher education and the academic libraries serving them. It is also appropriate as a graduate level textbook in collaborative learning, computer-supported collaborative learning, cognition and instruction, educational technology, and learning sciences.
Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver (Rutgers University) has conducted research on problem-based learning and collaborative knowledge construction. She is co-editor of the Journal of the Learning Sciences and has been active in the Computer-supported Collaborative Learning Community.
Clark A. Chinn (Rutgers University) has expertise in argumentation and collaborative reasoning, key aspects of collaborative learning. His research has been recognized by a Division 15 Early Career award, and he edited the Computer Supported Collaborative Learning 2007 Conference Proceedings. He is editor of Educational Psychologist.
Carol K.K. Chan (University of Hong Kong) has conducted research on knowledge building and has expertise in assessment in collaborative learning settings. Her work was recognized with the outstanding paper award at CSCL 2005. She is associate editor of the International Journal of Computer-supported Collaborative Learning.
Angela O’Donnell (Rutgers University) has done seminal research on cooperative learning and was recently recognized by the AERA Cooperative Learning Special Interest Group as Outstanding Researcher in Cooperative Learning.