The first section looks at the topic as it applies to physics. The section addresses questions of persistence and composition within quantum and relativistic physics and concludes by scrutinizing the possibility to capture continuity of motion as described by our best physical theories within gunky space times.
The second part tackles mathematics and shows how to provide a foundation for point-free geometry of space switching to fuzzy-logic. The relation between mereological sums and set-theoretic suprema is investigated and issues about different mereological perspectives such as classical and natural Mereology are thoroughly discussed.
The third section in the volume looks at natural science. Several questions from biology, medicine and chemistry are investigated. From the perspective of biology, there is an attempt to provide axioms for inferring statements about part hood between two biological entities from statements about their spatial relation. From the perspective of chemistry, it is argued that classical mereological frameworks are not adequate to capture the practices of chemistry in that they consider neither temporal nor modal parameters.
The final part introduces computer science and engineering. A new formal mereological framework in which an indeterminate relation of part hood is taken as a primitive notion is constructed and then applied to a wide variety of disciplines from robotics to knowledge engineering. A formal framework for discrete mereotopology and its applications is developed and finally, the importance of mereology for the relatively new science of domain engineering is also discussed.
Claudio Calosi is currently a post-doc at University of Urbino. He has been Visiting Research Scholar at University of Pittsburgh, University of California at Irvine and New York University. His main research interests are philosophy of science and analytic metaphysics and he has published extensively on both in journals such as Synthese, Foundations of Physics, Topoi to mention a few.
Pierluigi Graziani received his Ph.D from University of Rome La Sapienza and is currently a post-doc at University of Urbino. His works spans from mathematical logic, especially proof theory, to history and philosophy of mathematics. He has been editor of different volumes and published in different distinguished journals.