Colette Henry is Head of Department of Business Studies at Dundalk Institute of Technology, Ireland, Adjunct Professor of Business Strategy & Innovation at Griffith University, Australia, and an Affiliated Researcher with Jönköping University, Sweden. She leads various EU-funded entrepreneurship initiatives for DkIT and is the project leader for the Start for Future initiative. She is founder and chair of the Global Women's Entrepreneurship Research Network (Global WEP) and Founding Editor of the International Journal of Gender & Entrepreneurship. She has published on entrepreneurship education, gender, the creative industries, and veterinary/rural business. In 2015, she received the Diana International Research Project Trailblazer Award, and in 2017, the Sten K Johnson European Entrepreneurship Education Award from Lund University, Sweden. Colette is a fellow of the Royal Society, the Higher Education Academy, the Academy of Social Sciences, and the Institute for Small Business & Entrepreneurship.