The increased provision of facilities for neonatal and paediatric care in the last 25 years has been accompanied only in part by appropriate developments in pathology. Specialist pathol ogists are many fewer than paediatric departments, and details of the advances in knowledge of the pathogenesis of diseases in childhood and of ways of investigating them are not uniformly available. In many institutions an individual with a special interest rather than a special training will be responsible for paediatric pathology and it is to this group of histopathologists that this text is addressed. For this reason it is not written as a comprehensive text and is not intended for use as a reference volume. Areas which may produce particular difficulties for the individual with little specialist knowledge of the very young (e. g. the lung) are dealt with in more detail and, in general, entities in which the histopathology does not differ greatly from that of the adult disease are considered briefly. A brief account of developmental processes is included where prenatal considerations are helpful in understanding a particular entity. A number of specialist topics which are known to trouble those who work in non-specialist departments are described fully (diseases of muscle) or with guides to investigation (metabolic disease). The value of investigation and careful description of abnormalities of development is also emphasized. The authors are from different backgrounds, paediatric pathologists (J. W. Keeling, J. Cox), pathologists in general departments with extensive experience in paediatric pathology (c. L.