TTCN-3 is an internationally standardised test language with a powerful textual syntax which has established itself as a global, universal testing language. Application of TTCN-3 has been widened beyond telecommunication systems to areas such as the automotive industry, internet protocols, railway signalling, medical systems, and avionics.
An Introduction to TTCN-3 gives a solid introduction to the TTCN-3 language and its uses, guiding readers though the TTCN-3 standards, methodologies and tools with examples and advice based on the authors' extensive real-world experience. All the important concepts and constructs of the language are explained in a step-by-step, tutorial style, and the authors relate the testing language to the overall test system implementation, giving the bigger picture.
This second edition of the book has been updated and revised to cover the additions, changes and extensions to the TTCN-3 language since the first version was published. In addition, this book provides new material on the use of XML, test framework design and LTE testing with TTCN-3.
Key Features:
This book is an ideal reference for test engineers, software developers, and standards professionals. Graduate students studying telecommunications and software engineering will also find this book insightful.
Colin Willcock is a Research Manager at Nokia Research center. He is currently working on testing methodology, tool development and standardization. He is part of the core ETSI team which developed the TTCN-3 language.
As well as extensive participation at ETSI, ITU-T and 3GPP standardization, he has worked on a part-time basis at ETSI for the last 6 years on specialist task forces. He has also in the past been the raporteur for the ITU-T Z.105 standard (use of SDL with ASN.1) and a member of the joint ISO/ITU-T ASN.1 experts group.