WH116 Practical Advice for Meditators - Bhikkhu Khantipalo
WH117/119 Nirvana, Nihilism and Satori - Douglas M. Burns, MD
WH120 On True Sacrifice - T.W. Rhys Davids
WH121/122 The Power of Mindfulness - Nyanaponika Thera
WH123 The Significance of the Four Noble Truths - V.F. Gunaratna
WH124/125 Buddhism in South India - H. Dharmaratana Thera
WH126 Way of the Noble - T.W Perera
WH127 Aspects of Reality as Taught by Theravada Buddhism - G.P. Malalasekera
WH128/129 Aspects of Buddhist Social Philosophy - K.N. Jayatilleke
WH130/131 Buddhist Monk's Discipline - Bhikkhu Khantipalo