In this thought-provoking and eye-opening book, author Conrad Riker delves into the historical importance of matrimonium, uncovering how it has been replaced with a simulacrum of ersatz relationships. With precision and clarity, Riker dismantles the destructive consequences of progressive applications of the Hegelian dialectic on the family unit and exposes the feminist abolition of father leadership.
By exploring the evolutionary biology that shaped human desire for lifelong partnerships, Riker champions the importance of matrimonium as a sacred institution in religious traditions, a foundation of social stability, and a bulwark against cultural Marxism. While also examining the rise of simulacrum of ersatz marriage, Riker demonstrates the importance of matrimonium as a counterpoint to radical feminism and a means of cultivating emotional intelligence, spiritual growth, and social harmony.
If you want to revitalize the traditional family and reclaim matrimonium, then buy this book today and join the fight against cultural revolution. Discover the crucial role that fathers play in providing guidance, protection, and financial support for their families, and learn how traditional matrimonial roles empower women by recognizing their unique contributions as mothers and wives.
With a focus on the importance of cultural continuity, matrimonial unions, and economic prosperity, "Reclaiming Matrimonium" offers a comprehensive examination of the issues facing traditional families and provides a roadmap for preserving our society's most precious resource - the family itself.