Do you want to understand the dark side of England's family courts and the devastating impact they have on men and their families?
Look no further!
In this hard-hitting exposé, author Conrad Riker will:
1. Fill you in on how gender biases are rampant in the family court system, adversely affecting men's lives.
2. Document the ways in which family courts trample on due process rights and create a hostile environment for fathers.
3. Delve into false allegations and their devastating consequences on men's lives and careers.
4. Uncover how media portrayals perpetuate negative stereotypes about fathers in family court disputes.
5. Analyze the inordinate influence of feminist legal theories on family law practices and policies.
6. Expose gross inadequacies in social services and care systems that disproportionately affect men and their children.
7. Highlight the inexplicable protection given to mothers even when they are the ones making false allegations.
8. Propose reforms to create a fairer, more balanced family court system that recognizes the critical role of fathers in children's lives.
Are you ready to rise above the ashes and reclaim your rightful place in your children's lives? Then buy this book today and start making a difference! Conrad Riker: Exposing the Dark Side of Family Courts for Men