Ali Bidram received his Ph.D. degree from the University of Texas at Arlington in 2014. In his PhD, he was working on the distributed control of AC microgrids. Currently, he is a principal consultant in Quanta Technology, Canada and working in the field of power systems protection, microgrid control and automation, and grid integration of renewable energy resources. His areas of expertise lie within the power system control and automation, microgrid control, power system protection, and distributed control of multi-agent systems. Ali Bidram is an associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. He was the recipient of 2014 N. M. Stelmakh student research award.
Vahidreza Nasirian has joined TeraDiode, Inc. in 2016 as High-power Electrical Engineer, where he is currently appointed as the Product Manager for high-power laser diode drivers. He received Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Arlington in 2015. His research interests include the modeling and control of power electronics, control development for microgrids, renewable/ sustainable energy systems, transportation electrification, and control of multi-agent dynamic systems. Dr. Nasirian received IEEE Power and Energy Society Prize Paper Award in Jul. 2016, Best Paper Award from IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion in Dec. 2015, and Best Symposium Paper Award from 8th Int’l Symposium on Resilient Control Systems in Aug. 2015. He was also the recipient of the UT-Arlington Graduate Dissertation Fellowship for summer 2015, the Carrizo Oil and Gas Inc. Graduate Research Fellowship for 2011–2013, and Iranian National Elites Foundation Fellowship for 2008–2010.
Ali Davoudi received his Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA, in 2010. He is currently an Associate Professor in the Electrical Engineering Department, University of Texas, Arlington, TX, USA. He was with Solar Bridge Technologies, Texas Instruments Inc., and Royal Philips Electronics. His research interests include various aspects of analysis and control of complex power electronics systems. Dr. Davoudi is an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification and IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion. He has received 2014 Ralph H. Lee Prize Paper Award from IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Best Paper Award from 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Resilient Control Systems, 2014-2015 Best Paper Award from IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, and 2016 Prize Paper Award from the IEEE Power and Energy Society.