Coping Successfully with Hiatus Hernia

· Hachette UK
2 шүүмж
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Hiatus hernia affects 1 in 3 people over 50, but it doesn't have to limit or significantly impact your health and wellbeing. Most symptoms can be very easily prevented, or managed, at home with some simple and easy to manage changes to your diet and lifestyle.

In his career as a GP, Dr Tom Smith has helped hundreds of people to manage their hiatus hernia, eliminating and significantly improving such symptoms as heartburn, reflux or bloating. This book sets out, step-by-step, some basic strategies you can use not just to feel better but also to improve your general health, including a better diet, less stress and more physical activity.

Including the very latest insight, research and advice from top consultant gastroenterologists, the book will explain what medications are available for those who reach that stage, and also discuss surgical management for those who might need it.

Simple, supportive, practical and designed for anyone who thinks they might have a hernia - regardless of age, weight or lifestyle - Coping Successfully with Hiatus Hernia will accompany you on the path back to physical health, free of digestive distress or discomfort.

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2 шүүмж

Зохиогчийн тухай

Dr Tom Smith is a GP based in Scotland. An award-winning medical writer and a popular broadcaster on health conditions, he contributes columns on health and wellbeing to a number of newspapers.

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