Mo Daoust
COWBOY UNDERNEATH IT ALL is set in the McCord Brothers’ world, in Spring Hill Texas, and stars a friend of Lucky McCord’s. Captain Kane Bullock, after 10 years in the Air Force, comes home and finds out that his long-time girlfriend Violet is set to wed another, a High School buddy of his. However Violet’s little sister Eliza is all grown up, and to protect Kane from the shock Violet’s engagement, Eliza has told a little fib, which quickly snowballs… COWBOY UNDERNEATH IT ALL is a totally charming short story where insta everything works perfectly. Delores Fossen knows exactly just how far to go, in the precise timeframe given the context and the length of the book, to make the whole thing credible. Obviously, things happen quickly, but no suspension of disbelief is required, as the justifications for the sequence of events make perfect sense. I really enjoyed COWBOY UNDERNEATH IT ALL; it’s a quick read that will leave you smiling! A Book Obsessed Chicks Review Team Selection