Craig Murray is a Senior Lecturer at Lancaster University with research specialization in health, clinical psychology, and embodiment. He has more than 100 journal, book, and conference publications. These include papers in key Health Psychology (British Journal of Health Psychology; Health Informatics; Health Psychology; Health, Risk and Society; Qualitative Health Research, Psychology, Health and Medicine; Social Science and Medicine) Mental Health (Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease; Journal of Mental Health) and Rehabilitation (CyberPsychology and Behavior; Disability and Rehabilitation; International Journal on Disability and Human Development) journal titles. He has published widely on the topic of amputation, prosthesis use and phantom limb pain and led funded research programmes on these topics. This work has received international media attention (including television: Canadian Discovery Channel, Australian Broadcasting Corporation radio and television, and America’s CNN; and press: e.g. The Times, Australia’s Sydney Morning Herald, China’s People Daily, Russian Newsweek, New Yorker magazine). He is editor of ‘Psychological Scientific Perspectives on out-of-body experiences’ (2009, Nova Science Publishers, New York).