Jonathon Storjohann
I don't understand where these people call Rev. Billy Graham a false Christian. He has told the truth all his life about Jesus and God. I loved him because my family learned from his teachings. But that's ok, people like us christians get persecuted all of the time.
Jermaine Race
If the author has accurately quoted Graham, then the question is valid. Much of what he quotes from Graham casts serious doubt on Grahams theology. However, I do think that some of the authors logic is questionable, and especially his application of 2 Cor 6:14. I do not believe that a believer should not eat, fish, golf, etc, with unbelievers, as though these actions somehow form a mutual, spiritual goal, (my understanding of the term "yoke") between them.
Brad Smith
Proverbs 26:1-2 As snow should not fall in the summer, man should not listen to a fool. Do not worry when someone curses you for no reason. Nothing bad will happen. Such words are like birds that fly past and never stop.
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