courtney x
Fyodor Dostoevsky - Crime & Punishment (Illustrated) (1866) (Notes: *A few instances of antiquated/pejorative language regarding race/ethnicity *Quotation marks are inverted/misplaced throughout - open quotation marks are backwards & at the bottom of the text (like backward double commas), while closing quotation marks are in the correct position, but backwards. Occasionally, the closing quotation marks are on the wrong side of the period or comma. *Em dashes (long dashes) are used exclusively throughout. In addition to being used in the appropriate places, they replace dashes/hyphens. Words that wouldn't usually be hyphenated are broken up by a spaced em dash (e.g. "to — day", "to — morrow", "ear — rings", etc.). This is distracting & disruptive to the flow of the text, especially in sentences containing both "hyphenated" words & em dashes to denote parenthetical information. *I suspect this translation leaves much to be desired.)
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Игорь Шамило
Очень глубокая книга Достоевского. Интересно, откуда он узнал, какие эмоции испытывает человек, который совершил убийство? Есть о чем подумать. А читая ее на английском, можно хорошо подтянуть свой уровень владения языком! Советую
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